Population 1,293,057,000 (2016 estimate)
Area 3,287,263 square kilometres
Population density 388.9 per square kilometre
Geographic region Asia
Gross domestic product $8.727 trillion (2016 estimate)
GDP per capita $6,664 (2016 estimate)
Capital New Delhi (249,998 – January 2011)
Other major cities Mumbai 12,442,373, Kolkata 4,496,694, Bangalore 8,443,675, Chennai 7,088,000 & Hyderabad 6,731,790 (2014)
Government Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
Head of government Narendra Damodardas Modi (since 26 May 2014)
Life expectancy Women 69.9 years, men 66.9 years (2015)
Official Language Hindi, English
Religion 79.8% Hinduism; 14.2% Islam; 2.3% Christianity; 1.7% Sikhism; 0.7% Buddhism; 0.4% Jainism; 0.9% others
Currency Indian Rupee, INR, 1 INR = 100 Paise
Membership SAARC, BIMSTEC, UN, G-20 and others.


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