Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – President:
  • Making appropriate decisions for maintenance, rules, regulation and administration of the association.
  • Supports, promotes and motivates the members in association for programs, events and operations related to organization mission.
  • Distributions of minutes of meeting (MOMs) to all members.
  • Decision maker for formulation policies and planning recommendations to the board.
  • Assists in selection and evaluation of Board members. Approval and acceptance of resignations of any board members.
  • Presides all the meetings of the board members, makes recommendations, and manages public relations and financial matters of association.
  • Supports Board during orientation and ensures association members and board members have satisfactory and updating information.
  • Has right to invite any advisory group members for regular meetings.
Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Treasurer:
  • Assists the president in carrying out the roles and responsibilities.
  • Represents/acts as a substitute for president in his/her absence in all manners.
  • Reporting and manage the finances related to association.
  • Prepare financial reports, regulations and coordinates with the board financial policies during events planning and execution.
  • Budget planning and preparations, approvals for planned events.
  • Ensuring and maintaining accurate records of all money received and disbursed.
  • Assisting the president and represents the board members.
Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Secretary:
  • Assists the president in carrying out the roles and responsibilities.
  • Represents/acts as a substitute for president/treasurer in his/her absence in all manners.
  • Notes the minutes of meeting information and shares to the president for final approval.
  • Keeps the IAD official recording and minutes of meeting and maintaining association records.
  • Communicates with the members and promotes in informing the activities of the association.
  • Point of contact to the board and association members with coordinating and managing during planning and execution.
  • Represents the board and ensures action points from meetings.
Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Joint Secretary:
  • Assisting and teaming up with secretary for various tasks when required.
  • Represents/acts as a substitute for Secretary in his/her absence in all members.
  • Communicates with the members and promotes in informing the activities of the association.
  • Point of contact to the board and association members with coordinating and managing during planning and execution.
  • Represents the board and ensures action points from meetings.
Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Event Manager:
  • Plays main role in controlling, safe guarding, and implementing plans according to the event planning.
  • Plays main role in leading the event in well-organized way.
  • Planning plays crucial role with creative ideas to well-organizing.
  • Event manager supports the treasurer and secretary to evaluations and any other necessary for the events.
  • All operational works in the event leads by event manager.
Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Public Relation Manager:
  • First point of contact for all enquiries, planning, development and implementing PR strategies.
  • Preparing and promotional material for association in form of invitations, email, social networking and other.
  • Managing and coordinating with the association and members during event planning and execution.
  • Ensure to advertise all the IAD activities, reaching to the people living in Denmark.
  • Assist the president and represents the board members.
Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Advisory Board:
  • Giving advices to IAD and helps in serving the association better way and sometimes in decision-making process.
  • Guidance and recommendations for the board members for resolving on any particular issue.
  • Can share and actively participate in the dialog with board members.

Note: Position open to both Denmark and Indian citizens, who are elders/much experienced in social activities.

Roles & Responsibilities of IAD – Volunteers:
  • Assisting and teaming up with the Public Relation Manager whenever needed.
  • Joining hands in helping and managing the events and other activities conducted by IAD.
  • Ensure to advertise all the IAD activities, reaching to the people living in Denmark.
  • Ensure the events and activities taking smooth without any disturbances.

Note: Certificate of Appreciation is provided, only on request of individual volunteer and should be premium member of IAD.